来参加 外研社•英语演讲沙龙
新学期伊始,“外研社•英语演讲沙龙”隆重推出第一期。本期沙龙活动的讨论主题为:“Why do we attend speech competitions?”在参加比赛之前,你是否考虑过这个问题呢?
2009 “CCTV杯”全国英语演讲大赛一等奖获得者 李亿 |
2012“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛冠军 刘姝然 |
2013“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛一等奖、写作大赛亚军 鲍天宇 |
李亿:As a retired contestant, this question really recalls my years’ memory on my journey of public speaking.
I joined the contest simply because I just wanted to have a try six years ago. You will never know until try. I was always willing to try and fail and try again no matter how crazy it may sound to other people, no matter how and what anyone else thinks. Public speaking is a brilliant platform for me to discover my potential and test my persistence.
Which brings me another reason is I intend to improve myself by public speaking. How many times you heard you can’t make it and it has never been done before? I love someone says no one has never done this before because when I do it then I will be the first one that has done it. I always listen to myself and say yes you can.
And most importantly, because of my passion, I am passionate about public speaking, I enjoy the moment when I am on the stage and it allows me to inspire the people, to change their minds and to encourage them to make a difference. And as a consequence I make an impact. You have to think outside of the box. After all, what is the point of being on this earth if all you want to be is liked by everyone and has nothing original.
I know people say the distinction between the stage life and normal life, but for me only when I do public speaking on the stage could I discover the real myself. In a word, I speak not for the award I want, but for the man I want to be.
I love public peaking not because what it is, but because who I am when I do it.
And ladies and gentlemen, you are not what you speak, you speak who you are.
刘姝然:I believe there are always three clandestine personalities living in every experienced speaker´s heart: the capability of moving the audience, like music does, now he is Mozart; the capacity of persuading the people, like the ancient greek politician does, now he is Cicero; the dangerous gift of brainwashing the public with an overwhelming conviction, like the fascist and militarist, and now he is Hitler. In a word, he has a strong eagerness of influencing people.
But as young and inexperienced as we are, we all harbor a strong desire of building and enriching our mind and will . We step on stage, in order to explore and encounter a better self, because we can never know our true potential unless the destiny and situation has pushed us that far, and squeezed every essence of our wit and valor. This is our Savage Garden, our aesthetic aspiration, our rendezvous with the soul.
鲍天宇:If you want a simple answer to this question, I would say that my living conditions in college are unimaginably low, and this is the only time of the year when I can enjoy comfortable hotels, cozy beds and great food. If you want something further, I would say an English speech competition is the paradise for boys, for girls takes up most of the participants.
However, when I make a deep reflection on my experiences in FLTRP and other speech contests, I am surprised that cannot find a direct answer to this question at first. 6 months ago, I decided to take the first step on the path of FLTRP competition simply because it is a competition. I can get what I get in every competition, namely making new friends with my tough competitors. But even on this level, I believe it’s worth it, for such friendships are actually changing the route of my college life in a positive way. They recommend more competitions and more opportunities to meet even higher achievers and it is a continuous process for resources to be gathered around these high achievers. This is the Mathew Effect.
It is when I step further that I discovered a new world in speech competitions. For the first time, I knew that public speaking can also be a sophisticated subject, with plenty of experts working on it even for their life. Before, I could only feel enjoyment or inspiration from others’ speaking styles, but now I try to understand why they adopt such styles and make basic analyses on the essence behind their styles. It’s a wonderful world awaiting me.
It is also at that time that I realized that what I learned is rather limited. For every impromptu speech, there is a desperate need for numerous quotations, examples and facts. It is the real time for our knowledge to be utilized and connected to our thoughts and minds. Also, speech competitions prove to be the catalyst for me to learn more. Lots of students say that we can be excellent learners only when driven by competitions.
Therefore, the beauty inside a new world of public speaking, the opportunity to learn more and utilize my knowledge, as well as the connection and friendships for distinguished minds are the reasons why I still have the desire to participate in speech competitions.
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