外研沙龙•2014定题演讲之我见——Change the Unchangeable
2014年5月22日,“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛定题演讲题目最终确认。随着一个月的全国范围题目征集,“Change the Unchangeable”带着新一年的寄托和展望来到我们面前。 此时此刻,主办方特别请到2012“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛亚军周丁益、一等奖获得者杨华梦、2011“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛一等奖获得者周容宇做客演讲沙龙,和大家一起讨论今年赛题,不知是否能给大家带来启发呢?
Change the unchangeable. That’s the mission. That’s the dream. At one point we are all stupid enough to believe we can do it. This bold naiveté is what sparked poetry, rock ’n’ roll and everything else revolutionary, until we are back at square one wondering, “Wait. Why is everything still the same?” Then we surrender, to cynicism, to nihilism, to futility, to ennui. We call it the process. We call it growing up. And we scoff at younger generations for the same bold naiveté we used to have.
This is the circle of life, and it goes on.
Changing the unchangeable seemed to be a mission impossible to me at first sight, but then it dawned on me that to say whether one thing is unchangeable or not is sometimes quite a personal judgment. It might be our fear, indecisiveness or carelessness that prevent us from finding the solutions. We are just sometimes too used to the settled plans, customs and routines that we fail to come up with the idea of making changes. To change the unchangeable is just like to give a good speech on the stage that the priority is always to jump out of the box and see the things from different perspectives.
When I was about 10 years old in primary school, I believed that my future would have nothing to do with two things: music and English. Now, I play my guitar nearly every day and in the near future I will be hosting an English salon. People sometimes so easily deem something impossible, because they always tend to believe that what they have and what they see now is unchangeable. However, as time goes by and you look back, the changes you’ve made will often amaze you. It’s always fascinating to see how you’ve changed the unchangeable and made impossible possible.
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