新年前,我们发起了续写2014“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛决赛题目A Letter on Father’s Day的活动,收到了来自五湖四海学子对父亲的“心里话”;鉴于目前活动受到热烈关注,我们特别将此次活动“升级”——参加续写、登上Ustage讲台、赢取iPad大奖!
1. 续写投稿:续写大赛决赛题目A Letter on Father’s Day,具体题目要求请见附件1。
2. 作文初筛:活动组织方将对作文进行初筛,经过初筛的20篇作文进入网上展示环节。
3. 专家评阅:组织专家对经过初筛的作文进行评阅、打分。
4. 大众点评:经过初筛的作文将在Unipus网站(www.unipus.cn)上全部展示,接受大众评论与点赞。
5. 奖项确定:最终成绩将由专家评分与大众点赞数加权决定。(具体细则另行通知)
1. 活动设一等奖1名,颁发征文活动一等奖荣誉证书并获得iPad Air2一部,并将受邀以A Letter on Father’s Day为题在Ustage上发表演讲,向全国发布。
2. 活动设二等奖2名,颁发征文活动二等奖荣誉证书并获得Kindle电子书阅读器一部,并将受邀以A Letter on Father’s Day为题在Ustage上发表演讲,向全国发布。
3. 活动设三等奖3名,颁发征文活动三等奖荣誉证书并获得外研社纪念U盘一支,并将受邀以A Letter on Father’s Day为题在Ustage上发表演讲,向全国发布。
4. 活动设优秀奖14名,颁发征文活动优秀奖荣誉证书并获得《“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛参赛指南》一本。
1. 作文征集将于即日起至2015年1月31日结束。(之前所有来稿将自动计入目前的活动形式中)
2. 作文初筛于2月1至2月4日进行。
3. 专家评阅、网上评论与点赞环节将于2月5日至2月9日举行。
4. 最终结果将于2月11日在网上公布。
附件1:2014“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛决赛题目之续写A Letter on Father’s Day
Narrative Writing
Read the beginning of the letter below and then continue it following the writer’s line of thought. Complete the letter in 600–800 words.
A Letter on Father’s Day
Dear Dad,
Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read them over and over again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.
You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together.
You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by a generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, split apart by age and experience, opinion, hairstyle, clothing, curfew, music, and friends.
I love you, Dad.
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