
2022.10.10 - 2022.11.30 线上

主讲专家: Dr. Freek Olaf de GrootDr. Ankie HoefnagelsHanneke van NesDr. Jan ten Thije



乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University,简称UU)创立于1636年,是荷兰规模最大、欧洲最著名的教育研究机构之一,有着悠久的学术传统与严谨的治学方法,与剑桥大学等20所欧洲高校同属欧洲研究型大学联盟(LERU)。乌特勒支大学以强大的研究实力、高质量的教育水准和良好的学术声誉而享誉欧洲,多年来一直稳居世界高校百强之列。至今为止,共培养出12位诺贝尔奖获得者以及15位斯宾诺莎奖获得者。乌特勒支大学在2021和2022年软科世界大学学术排名中分别位居全球第50和54位,其语言学专业在2019和2020年QS世界大学专业排名中分别位居全球第34和37位。
  • 强大专家阵容
  • 聚焦教学方法
  • 理论实践结合


Dr. Freek Olaf de Groot

Dr. Freek Olaf de Groot, a senior language training expert at Babel Language Center, is an assistant professor in Applied Linguistics and TESOL with a specific interest in multimodal communication, digital literacy development and teacher training at the intersection of language, literacy and technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from University of Reading, the United Kingdom, a MA in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from University of Groningen, and a BA in English Language and Culture from University of Groningen the Netherlands. He has over fifteen years of international experience working in higher education in various capacities including teaching, teacher education, research and educational management. He has worked in an array of countries in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. The rich experience of working cross-culturally has empowered him to adopt a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning in a 21st century context.

Dr. Ankie Hoefnagels

Dr. Ankie Hoefnagels is Professor at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands where she chairs the research center Global Minds at Work. It is her mission to support young professionals in developing their global and intercultural competence. She develops evidence-based education and research projects with co-authors and in co-creation with industry partners. Since 2008, Dr. Hoefnagels has built up a track record within the International Relationship Management research center with research into & #40;the development of& #41; international competencies, the development of educational tools in this field and the building of a national and international knowledge network. Dr. Hoefnagels has successfully developed educational tools to enhance students and staff’s global mindset, such as the Global Mind Monitor & #40;more than 20000 users& #41; and the Curious People blog platform. Her publication record covers, among others, a textbook about intercultural communication in the hotel and tourism industry, multiple book chapters and an award-winning paper in the Journal of Service Management & #40;1800+ citations& #41;.     Synopsis lecture: How to incorporate intercultural competence in your teaching The current COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the urgency of a global mindset. Knowledge is needed to support current and future professionals in this. We want to develop this knowledge in cooperation with professional practice and translate it into attractive educational concepts". In this session, an overview of developmental models for intercultural/global competence will be presented.  Next, a range of examples and good practices is provided of how these competences of young professionals can be developed in higher education. Finally, the crucial role of the teacher in the development of intercultural competence is highlighted.

Hanneke van Nes

Hanneke van Nes has been an English language trainer since her graduation in 1993, starting at Austin Community College and later at Babel. She did a Master of Arts & #40;MA& #41; in English language and Literature at Utrecht University, the Netherlands and she holds a second Masters degree in American Studies from The University of Texas at Austin, the USA. During her teaching career she has done many professional development courses both in the UK and the Netherlands.   Her teaching is interactive and always engaging. She greatly values hands-on learning while always bearing the learner’s specific needs in mind. Most of all, she believes that language learning should be fun and the setting safe. Over the years, she has become an expert in brain-friendly learning and learner autonomy. 

Dr. Jan ten Thije

Dr. Jan D. ten Thije is Professor of Intercultural Communication at the Utrecht Institute for Linguistics and the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication at University Utrecht. He studied General Linguistics and Dutch Language and Culture at University of Amsterdam and received his PhD at Utrecht University & #40;1994& #41; with research focusing intercultural discourse in advisory institutes. His main fields of research concern institutional discourse in multicultural and international settings, lingua receptiva / receptive multilingualism, intercultural training, language education and functional pragmatics. He has rich publication in English, Dutch or German, including books, ariticles such as Beyond Misunderstanding. The linguistic analysis of intercultural communication. Amsterdam: Benjamins; Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Organizations - Insights from Project Advisers. New York & London: Routlegde. He  is Editor-in-chief of the  European Journal for Applied Linguistics & #40;EuJAL& #41; published by Mouton de Gruyter;  Series editor of  Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication & #40;USLC& #41; published by Brill Publications, Leiden.


